Week 9 Reflection

Deniz Sokullu
51–371 Dexign Futures
2 min readNov 13, 2016

Since the events that happened this week, the classes that took place this week were some of the most interesting ones. I believe the reason of this the strong connection of the events and how it affects our own future. Since we know that there is a range where our future could end up, we are starting to observe that the evident/desired future is not always the result. On a more personal level, some students expressing their sadness and anger shows how hard it is to accept futures that the person is not looking forward too. I am also deeply affected and I hope the future is not the darkest path of all the possible ones.

As for the Friday’s lecture, I think that Peter showed us how we could easily change our thinking, by focusing on things that matter for us and determining what is the most important. During class, I thought he mentioned really valuable things about reason and action, and how it is power that guides us through different situations. I want to thank him personally for holding such a abstract-level class, since it helped us get over the issues that happened that week. I also think that Peter Singer’s, argument about what does it mean to be ethically economic is asking real questions to our class/profession. We are producing designs that are valued more than normal products and we want to surround and indulge ourselves into the design culture of overpriced fashion and latest trends to reflect back onto our work. I think that this is just the inevitable path design world is going on, and many people in our class are just devoured by the mainstream. That is why talking about being ethically economical in our class can affect a tiny amount of people. Welcome to design.

I think everything we talked was surrounding our personal belief and thought system and I assume this all can be applied to our current projects and design practices.

