Speculative Design: Memorography

New ways to save and recall our memories

Jay Huh
51725_Interaction Design Lab
3 min readDec 12, 2018


How do we remember memory? We usually take photos using our smartphones. We could also record sounds or shoot videos. Some people write down their memories into words and restore them as a diary. We believe these saved memories could replace our real memory experience but actually, it is not. Even though recent smartphones can save high-resolution photos, it could never be higher than the real scene seeing through our eyes. However, the current memory saving tools make us dependent on them. That was the starting point of this speculative design project.

While thinking about these memory saving tools, I came to the conclusion that these are not the memory itself but the medium or trigger which allow us to reimagine or remind the related memories.

In the future, when the technology becomes more advanced, how can we save our memory in a new way, which makes us try to depend more on our brain itself rather than other mediums or triggers? After conducting research on brain memory reconstructing process and Electroencephalogram (EEG), I tried to think about the physical abstract shaped small objects (which can look like pebbles or pills) that are made by a gadget or patch that we wear on our head. When people want to remember something as vivid as possible, what they have to do is just observe, memorize, and feel it as much as they can.

01. Patch

Patch is a memory saving tool. What we have to do is just attach it on the backside of our neck. It reads our brain activities when we see something impressive or memorable.

patch — memory recorder & reader
saving memories

02. Memorography

If we want to save memory, we should focus on it and try to observe it as much as we can, rather than just taking a photo using our smartphone. The Patch then reads our brain activities and save them into a transparent pebble, Memorography. It is made up of the air, the molecules on the air, and waves of our brain activities.

the result of saving memories

03. Collection

We could physically collect them. Their shapes are various and have their own features, it becomes unique. We could not see what memories are contained in each Memorography from the outside, but it is enough to give us opportunities to remind of the memories that we saved into them.

collection of memories

04. Non-reusable

When we really eager to remind our memory, we could put this in Patch and recall the brain activities, which brings us realistic memories of our experience. However, each Memorography can be used only once. If we recall it, it burns up and becomes non-reusable, which makes it more valuable.

memory recall

