EC4: 51WORLD Unveils Its Next-Generation Digital Twin Platform to Empower Industries

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6 min readFeb 2, 2021

51WORLD officially released its latest AES 2021 — a platform-level digital twin product, and WDP ecosystem 2.0 in “Earth Clone 4” (EC4) in Shenzhen on November 19th, and showcased dozens of its implementation cases. This annual meeting attracted thousands of participants from more than 800 institutes and over 6 million visitors online.


The two-day event had morphed from a press conference to an industrial summit, demonstrating the possibilities of digital twins in various industries in the wave of new infrastructure and the digital economy.

AES 2021 — a platform-level digital twin product unveiled

The launching of AES (All-element scene) 2021 was 51WORLD’s “big move”.

It had five major properties:

  1. ultra-large-scale real-time rendering;
  2. dynamic scheduling of massive resource;
  3. parallel generation of digital assets;
  4. visual and physical reality;
  5. high expansion of spatial coding.

At the conference, 51WORLD founder and CEO Archer Li described the AES 2021 as more inclusive, accurate, and lifelike.

Three major upgrades of AES 2021

In terms of breadths, AES 2021 is able to achieve seamless zooming of super-large city clusters and restore the scene to a global scale. In the respect of the accuracy, it supports centimeter-level restoration and 4K rendering. It is worth mentioning that AES 2021 can dynamically simulate human-vehicle interaction and weather conditions by comprehensively synchronizing real-world data, trajectories, and even physical mechanisms.

This is a major advantage of the 51WORLD’s digital twin world. On the other hand, AES 2021 has become more mature through continuous iteration. Firstly, it is easy to use as all interactions revolving around the application scenario are immersive and smooth. Besides, it is compatible with multiple terminals with only one simple, automated deployment. Secondly, AES 2021 is highly reliable.

It securely develops the whole life cycle of the product, supports cloud deployment and data security system construction, and provides continuous service around the clock. In addition, it is compatible with China’s own software, facilitating further integration and application of domestic software. Finally, AES 2021 is highly scalable. It can decouple business architecture through data layering, to adapt to different needs. It supports flexible service expansion and hot update.

Besides, it presents a large number of data interfaces and various frameworks for secondary development. “AES 2021 will become a digital twin backplane with all elements, all processes, all scenarios, all cycles, and all industries.” Archer Li was ambitious about the future of this platform-level digital twin product.

Developers Platform 2.0-a more complete ecosystem and toolchain

In order to share the technical dividends brought by AES, 51WORLD provided all eco-partners with easier, more open and convenient developers platform 2.0, and integrated its latest toolchain including SuperAPI 3.3.0 (super interface), WDT 2.0 (visual editing components), Cloud 5.0 (a real-time cloud rendering platform) and DST 1.0 (a dynamic simulation conversion adapter).

These tools, which covered the whole architecture and workflow access from scene interaction, real-time rendering, and dynamic data processing to panel construction, were made available to developers from all industries.

51WORLD has laid out a long-term blueprint for cooperating with partners as it made the decision to open its applications and the next-generation developer platform for the entire industry. But Archer Li believed that

51WORLD could achieve more. In the future, 51WORLD will share AES and build it into a platform in 2023. By then, digital twins will truly become one of the new infrastructures in all walks of life.

Industrial application -the continuous implementation of digital twin technology

More than 800 enterprises and institutes participated in EC4, covering over 10 industries such as smart cities, parks, transportation, water affairs and electricity. Among them, there were not only large integrators such as Huawei, China Mobile, China Unicom, Telecom, JD and iFLYTEC, but also leading companies in vertical industries such as SAIC, GAC, Sany and China Merchants Port.

Digital twins have been deeply integrated into the development of cities and industries in China.

On April 10, China unveiled a plan on promoting the transformation of enterprises toward digitalization and intelligence by further expanding the application of cloud and data technologies.

Digital twin cities flourished across China in the wake and the digital transformation of the state-owned enterprises was listed on the government agenda.

Archer Li introduced benchmark applications such as Shenzhen Mawan Smart Port, the Smart Management Platform of Three Lakes of Yunnan Province and 3D visualized application of Smart Transportation in Futian. He also unveiled top ten digital twin industrial applications of the year.

Archer Li analyzing the technological values of digital twin from three dimensions

In the viewpoint of Li, the values of digital twins can be exploited from the past, the present and the future. In the past, digital twins could accumulate data, achieve closed-loop business, and conduct analysis to make improvements.

At present, the digital twin scenarios is able to achieve global perception, intelligent operation and real-time scheduling. In the future, digital twin scenarios will become crucial in simulated deduction, prediction and decision-making. Although the digital twin had received much attention from different industries and even at the national level, Li believed that “the potential of digital twin application scenarios has been tapped for less than 1%.”

Archer Li envisaging the future of digital twins with Po_er, a famed game blogger of Bilibili

Li also invited Po_er, a famed game blogger of Bilibili with 137,000 followers, who had created amazing virtual scenes in Minecraft. In the future, every creative person like him can construct his own digital twin world and build a realistic version of Minecraft. What 51WORLD is striving for is to build a bridge leading to this vision.

EC4–51WORLD’s next-generation digital twin world

Multiple professional forums were held on the sideline of the conference. Smart city forum dealt with topics related to urban governance and system construction empowered by technologies such as digital twins, 5G, AI, etc.;

Smart park forum interpreted the design standards and building practices of parks in depth;

Digital twin vehicle-road cloud collaborative innovation forum analyzed hot issues in transportation such as autonomous driving, vehicle-road collaboration, and intelligent driving interconnection;

Visionary industry forum focused on innovative applications of digital twins in manufacturing, ports, water affairs, and railways;

Digital twin technologies forum discussed the latest trends in cutting-edge technologies such as digital twins, computer graphics, dynamic simulation, geographic information, and large-scale 3D modeling.

The forum
The forum

Li had its own understanding of the conference held in Shenzhen: “Earth clone is now entering into its fourth year as the digital twin is stepping into the mainstream market. We hope to cross the hurdle by providing a platform-level product and developer ecosystem.

As a leading digital twin platform company, 51WORLD redefines the application ecosystem with its original all-element scenarios and aspires to make digital twin one indispensable component of the new digital infrastructures, facilitating the digital upgrade for global governments and enterprises.

At present, its applications have already been successfully implemented in more than 100 cities and over 10 industries in Beijing, Chongqing, Jiangsu, Sichua and the strategic Xiong’an New District.

Earth Clone 4 launched

EC4 marked that 51WORLD was making headway in opening digital twin ecology and was relentlessly promoting the next-generation technology in more industries.



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51WORLD- a leading technology company focusing on digital twin, metaverse and simulation with a global vision.