How to Build a Digital Twin Operation Platform for the Subway Station with the Highest Passenger Flow Intensity in China?

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5 min readJun 1, 2021

During the May 1st holiday this year, the passenger flow intensity of the subway network in Changsha ranked first in China for five consecutive days. From April 30 to May 5, the total number of passengers transported by its subway network is 15.2113 million, and the daily average passenger volume is 2535200.

Under this kind of passenger flow intensity, a rail transit hub located in the center of Changsha, with 16 bus lines and 2 subway lines, has become a key node to ensure the safe and orderly operation of passenger flow.

It is the transfer station with the largest subway passenger flow in Changsha. From May 1 to May 5, the total number of people entering and leaving the station exceeded 1.4 million.

It is the Changsha Wuyi Square Subway Hub Station.

Recently, 51WORLD teamed up with Changsha Rail Transit Operation Co., Ltd. and Hunan Xindatong to jointly create a simulation operation platform for Wuyi Square Station. As the leading test management platform for Changsha smart rail transit, the platform is based on a digital twin scene, realizes the dual-mode drive of daily station operation management + passenger flow simulation deduction, and has become a benchmark case for smart applications in rail transit hub stations.

Hardcore: Accurate Passenger Flow Simulation

Wuyi Square Station simulation operation platform is mainly divided into two parts, one is the 3D digital operation management part based on the real operation state, and the other is the simulation deduction mode based on the passenger flow simulation.

Passenger flow is the core of operation and management of hub station. Based on the crowd social force model and combining the model algorithm of pedestrian personalization and environmental field adaptability, the platform develops the personality coefficient of different passengers according to the factors such as age, gender, action ability and status of carrying items of different passengers. By matching passenger flow control strategies such as entering and leaving station, getting on and off train, as well as scene constraints such as device switches, arrival and departure time, etc., it is possible to simulate crowd behavior and evacuation conditions under different passenger flow control measures.

If we want the simulation results to match and be credible with the real world, the most basic thing is to create a real digital twin environment. Based on AES all-element scene construction capabilities, 51WORLD has performed a 1:1 complete restoration of the underground world of Wuyi Square Station, and also connected with the world on the ground, becoming an important basis for site operation management and plan deduction.

It is worth mentioning that passenger flow simulation technology can not only be applied to rail transit hub stations, but also to all industries and places with goal-oriented and group activity characteristics such as parks, airports, traffic intersections, hospitals, schools, buildings, etc.

Practicality: “5 + 1” Mode Covers All the Requirements of Site Operation and Maintenance

In order to meet the business characteristics of operation and management of Wuyi Square Station, 51WORLD adopts the “5 + 1” business mode to respond to the operation and management needs of subway station.

“1” refers to the 1:1 scene digital twin in which the information of subway station is integrated with all elements to complete the comprehensive operation monitoring of people, vehicles, objects, law and environment.

“5” includes five business groups: situation awareness, security control, rapid response, collaborative operation and auxiliary decision-making.

Taking situation awareness as an example, the platform accesses the information of all online devices in Wuyi Square Station, maps it to the corresponding digital twin scene model, and associates it with the monitoring system of the whole platform. It can sense the existence of all devices, as well as the opening, closing, checking, fault and other actions of the ticket gates, which can be correlated and displayed in real time.

In terms of security, the platform integrates equipment joint security and passenger flow joint management, realizes centralized management of events such as abnormal security check, passenger flow congestion and equipment abnormality in the station, and analyzes them in combination with scenes, so as to screen effective information for the management personnel in the station and reduce the false alarm rate.

In the future, Wuyi Square station simulation operation platform will also be equipped with emergency management, driving simulation, energy consumption monitoring, passenger service, dispatching, operation and maintenance functions to comprehensively improve the efficiency and quality of station operation service.

Lightweight: Cloud Platform Service Creates Intelligent Hub

The Wuyi Square Station simulation operation platform adopts 51WORLD SuperAPI and DST cloud computing technology, supports users to customize the settings of passenger flow simulation tasks, supports real-time calculation, download, and operation, carry out double insurance for service quality and simulation timeliness, and builds the intelligent cloud hub of the platform.

Cloud hub can adapt to all AES scenes, and can quickly complete customized development under standardized AES scenes according to different application needs of users. More importantly, customer and passenger data will be strictly protected. Cloud computing will pass the unique ID authentication in the whole process. The cloud storage of users’ simulation results can effectively avoid local misoperation, and all access processes will be subject to permission control to ensure the information security of users.

Benefit the People: Help Changsha Citizens to Travel Conveniently

Intercity high speed railway and urban rail transit are important contents of new infrastructure construction.

Wuyi Square Station simulation operation platform combines digital twin, Internet of Things and artificial intelligence technology to realize the close integration of Wuyi Square Hub Station and digital twin space in reality, so as to make the connection between passenger flow, equipment and management more intelligent. It uses digital twin technology to empower smart urban rail, which will greatly boost the operation and management efficiency of subway network and escort Changsha citizens’ travel.



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51WORLD- a leading technology company focusing on digital twin, metaverse and simulation with a global vision.