My Top 3 Reasons For Wanting To Get Fit, Get Strong, And, Yeah, Lose Weight

After a frustrating few weeks, I need to return my eye to the prize.

Kim Downey
52 Fitness
Published in
5 min readNov 29, 2023


Image by Rawpixel

I’ll be the first to admit when I’m not exactly perfect in my weight-loss efforts.

Did I eat too much birthday cake? I’ll tell you. Did a few chocolate-covered almonds mysteriously find their way into my mouth? I’ll cop to it. Did I spend Sunday afternoon on the couch eating a random assortment of ice cream, nuts, and cheese and crackers? Yep, that literally happened a few weeks ago.

But this week? Friends, I’ve really been trying. Like, really. And… nothing.

Well, no, not nothing. Actually, a two-pound gain.

I mean, come on.

It’s frustrating for sure. I’m annoyed. But the thing about me is I won’t give up. I’m in this to win it. I’m like that little troll in Trolls. If you knock, knock me over, I will get back up again.



Kim Downey
52 Fitness

Sober. Curious. (But not sober-curious, just sober. And curious.). Mother. TV and film fan. Writer. I run, eat, watch hummingbirds, think, learn, and grow.