52 Plastic Kisses
Published in
3 min readApr 8, 2018

AVOID plastic containers. PACK LEFTOVERS or TAKEOUT in your OWN to-go container.


It’s plastic. Sometimes it’s worse — Styrofoam! And it’s single-use, terrible for you and the planet. (everything i’ve been ranting about in past 12 posts)


Carry your own to-go container everywhere you go.

You can google and find tons of options (eg: https://ecolunchboxes.com). In India, steel is everywhere :)


(Completely stolen from going_zero_waste)

1. Call ahead:

If it’s a new place, I really like to call ahead. It’s easy to thoroughly explain what and why I’m making an unusual request. In almost a year and a half, I’ve only been told no twice.

2. Avoid rush hour:

If your going to the most popular place in town during peak hours, you’re a lot more likely to be told no or to have something go wrong. If you’re a regular or they have an awesome byoc policy, it’s an exception.

3. Polish your glass/container:

I know it’s clean, you know it’s clean — make sure they can see how clean it is. I don’t have a dishwasher and often have water spots on my glass. I like to rub my glass down with a cloth before dropping it off anywhere so it’s crystal clear! If they hesitate, a sparkling, crystal clear, immaculately clean glass container may be the difference between a yes and a no.

4. Sit in:

Sometimes, it might just be easier to order it in. If they’re slow or seem confused, sit at a table and order. When they bring it out transfer it to your own containers and head out!

5. Be polite:

You will probably be told no at some point. You then have options for how you’d like to proceed, but you should ALWAYS be polite.

6. Shop local:

A small family business is 1000x more likely to be accommodating than a large chain corporation. You’re building a relationship with these people; you’re creating a story. Small business owners care a lot more about having you as their customer.

7. Know the law:

No where in the US health code does it say personal containers are not allowed. Don’t be afraid to ask for a manager. But, refer to “be polite” if someone tells you no.

8. Play the part:

If you act like this is something you do ALL the time. They’ll believe you. Confidence is everything. Walk in proud of your container. Own it. If you seem so confident, make it normal, they won’t even question it. They’ll just go with the flow. Be polite, but instead of asking, “Can you use my container?” Just tell them, very nicely with a smile, but tell them, “I would like this to go in my container.”

4. FIN

In summary, once you’re done eating pack leftovers in your own to-go container. If you’re always in a hurry and want to do a takeout, find restaurants who accept your to-go container and go to them :)


