Nicky Mazur
52 Weeks of Dope Discussion
2 min readFeb 13, 2016



Throughout the past year and a half in the industry, I’ve been fortunate enough to be surrounded by insightful creative leaders and thinkers. This week I went around with pieces of bright orange paper and asked them to spend just a few minutes writing down some bits of advice for junior-level creatives.

– Rebecca Molinar

Don’t fall in love with your first idea. Keep thinking, writing, drawing, as long as it takes to get a solid idea. — Alex Manosalvas

– Lauren Barry

Find a mentor, a wonderfully-imperfect, talented, generous person who sees you as an equal, not as a competitor. Someone who gets as inspired by you as you by them. — Rebecca Molinar

– Alex Manosalvas

Don’t start the design/concepting process at your computer. Pick up a book, go outside, or draw in your notebook. — Lauren Barry

– Emma Arnold

Think of any assignment you are put on as a potential book piece. Treat it as such and see where that takes you. — Alex Manosalvas

– Lauren Barry

Don’t be an asshole. And stand up to those who are. — Rebecca Molinar

– Adam Ferguson

Don’t be afraid to share your ideas. Even if you think they’re silly. Sometimes your half backed ideas can spark a huge idea. — Lauren Barry

– Rebecca Molinar



Nicky Mazur
52 Weeks of Dope Discussion

animation. illustration. stirred by its beauty, gripped in the technical and theory.