52 Studios x 52 Weeks

Zack Gleeson
52 Weeks x 52 Studios
2 min readDec 27, 2019

I’m not one for setting New Years goals, but after this past year I decided to not just set a goal, but something that challenged me to step out of my comfort zone.

Over the last few months I have turned to Yoga as way to manage stress and to completely unplug and turn my mind off for a while. If you told me that I would enjoy contorting myself in weird positions for an hour in a hot room I would have told you your insane. The heat feels good after awhile and the concentration required to hold these positions leaves no room to think about anything else other than your breath and the moment. Don’t get my wrong, I am about as flexible as a 2x4 and none of this is by any means graceful.

So back this whole goal thing:

52 Studios in 52 weeks

Over the next 52 weeks, I’m working on my practice in 52 different studios around the world. Some weeks will be the same studio, other weeks will have a few new ones. I have some travel plans for work lined up and want to connect with people in each location though a practice.

So if you know any good studios, places to avoid, or any advice, let me know!!

