Twenty-four Ties

Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Brent Passmore
550 Rule


Twenty-four ties. I currently own twenty-four ties.

Why in the hell do you own twenty-four ties?

I know that’s what you’re thinking and I understand. Believe me.

Here’s the thing — that’s fourty-seven less than I owned two weeks ago. FOURTY-SEVEN!

Let’s do the math, shall we?

47 + 24 = 71


Prior to this tie-cleansing moment (tm), I had eradicated another thirty plus ties from my collection.

The point of this isn’t to tell you how many ties I once owned or even how many ties I currently own.

The point is simply this— you’re not going to immediately go from clutter to minimal in one fell sweep.

It’s a process.

It takes time.

In four months, I’ve gone from over one hundred ties to twenty-four.

I realize this is probably sixteen too many. I’ll get there in time.

Rome wasn’t built in a day.



Brent Passmore
550 Rule

I’m the guy you need to know…when you need to know a guy.