What is the 55x5 Method?

Rene Gonzalez
55x5 method
Published in
4 min readMar 9, 2019

Have you been trying to manifest and you just can’t you try and try and try but you just can’t?

Well today I’m going to show you technique that is going to show you results it’s called the five by five technique so if you want to learn more about how to manifest what you want I got you cuz I’m literally going to be spilling the beans on how to manifest.

What’s up everyone Rene here with awaken creators. so we are going to be talking about 55 x 5 method.

This is very powerful I personally have success with It so for me for example my affirmation was “I am a money magnet” because I want to manifest of course like everyone financial abundance.

So I took a pen and paper and then I wrote down 55 x 5
and I wrote 55 times on the front and back I am a money magnet for 5 days and please don’t write it more or don’t write it less because there is a sequence with the numbers that the universal understand because 5 + 5 +5= 15 1 + 5 =6,

3 6 9 are the numbers to unlocking the keys of the universe and this is a quote by Nikola Tesla.

So you begin with writing that affirmation down 55x on your paper and while you’re doing this try to focus on what you are writing not what’s going on around you or what’s going on in your head , try to focus on the feeling of the wish fulfilled of I am a money magnet and just try to stay happy throughout the day this’ll open all possibilities to come to you and by writing it down it’s a conscious will change.

The more you write it the more you’re going to believe it I promise you this, so do this 55 times a day for 5 days and just watch how your mind and your universe will correspond and correlate to how you feel, you may even get something before because I tell you my little personal success story with this.

So this morning I decided to post my resume on a job site so business owners can see my resume locally.
so after I did that I submitted my resume and posted it.

I then proceeded to head outside to enjoy the sunshine and the sun’s energy which opens my pineal gland to produce melatonin from the third eye which is called the pineal gland.

I like to enjoy this while writing my affirmations it’s just boosting my energy in my frequency to where I want to head and be.

So I wrote down 55 times on my paper “I am a money magnet” while feeling the wish fulfilled.
When I got done to my surprise not even 5 minutes later I got a call from a business owner wants to have a interview with me tomorrow because he saw my resume online and how we can scale and grow his business and I literally just posted it which is crazy because I feel like the universe wouldn’t even know what to send me had I not wrote down on my paper with the affirmations and feeling the wish fulfilled and had I not submitted my resume at the right time I would not have received that call because he would not have looked and probably overlooked me.

So everything was just perfect timing by the universe and then just left me in total shock and just absolutely dumbfounded that this works 100% and I have used this almost every single day to get the things that I want.

This 55x5 method really is the most powerful technique for the law of Attraction for manifesting money you can see results in as little as a day, you can see results in as little as five minutes and I just proved it.

So I encourage everyone who is looking for the 55x5 method to give this a try I promise it works!!!

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So again this is Rene with awaken creators if you guys enjoy my blog my content my videos please share like subscribe anyway to support thank you because I just want to help you and making your life easier

