56K.Cloud year in Review and goals for 2019

Brian Christner
Published in
2 min readDec 27, 2018

Wow, one year had come and gone before we realized it. We established 56K.Cloud one year ago December 2018. It has been one heck of a year with amazing achievements considering we started with zero revenue, customers, or projects.

When I started reflecting on 2018, it was surprising how much we accomplished in our first year.

2018 in Review

  • Started 56K.Cloud!
  • First customer project which grew into many more
  • We grew from 2 to 4
  • Julien Bisconti joined 56K
  • Attended 8 conferences including presenting at KubeCon and 2x DockerCons
  • Co-organized four different meetups
  • Presented five Introduction to Docker courses
  • 56K also contributed a lot to OSS projects we plan to increase for 2019
  • Open Sourced our training curriculum and examples
  • We became AWS & Docker partners

We could not be more happy with how 2018 turned out. Not only were we able to keep the lights on but we were able to turn our passion into a sustainable business. Working with our large company of four is just awesome. We learned a lot, grew, and are now relaxing over the winter break to come back charged and ready to go for 2019.

2019 Goals

I learned along the way that resolutions are hard to keep. Performing a year in review is far more valuable than setting resolutions which are generally moon shots. However, defining realistic incremental goals instead of resolutions is more realistic and achievable. I have been writing yearly goals and reviewing the previous year since 2008. Performing reflection and goal setting has been a solid base for the start of every year.

  • Contribute more to Open Source projects
  • Publish a podcast
  • Create and publish training & workshop videos
  • Continued Education in Cloud Native technologies, Amazon AWS, and Kubernetes
  • Create a SaaS application (More on this later)
  • 56K Offsites
  • Present at conferences
  • Blog more about our IoT, Containers, and Terraform projects
  • Give back to both the tech and local communities

We are incredibly grateful for our customers, readers of our blog, and partners for joining us on this fantastic journey. 2019 is full of incredible plans and ideas. Be sure to drop us a Tweet or email and say hello.

Find out more about 56K.Cloud

We love Cloud, Containers, DevOps, and Infrastructure as Code. If you are interested in chatting connect with us on Twitter or drop us an email: info@56K.Cloud or reach out below here on Medium!
We hope you found this guide helpful. If there is anything you would like to contribute and/or have questions; please let us know!



Brian Christner

Chief Online Gaming 🎰 http://jackpots.ch, founder of @thebyteio , Docker Captain, first mover, & professional mountain bike crasher.