Employee Spotlight: Martha Luo

Deb Mowry
Published in
5 min readSep 25, 2020

Martha Luo is a senior testing engineer at 57Blocks. This interview with Martha reflects her work and relationships at 57Blocks. Martha shares the story of how she has found such satisfaction in her work by surrounding herself with friends.

Walk us through your journey of joining 57Blocks.
I joined Symbio in 2009, which is where my team and I crossed paths for the first time and our journey began. Symbio provides development resources for companies who are doing a digital transformation. There, I worked on a project with Airbiquity until 2013, testing a product that monitors the location and movement of fleets of vehicles. I was with Symbio until 2015. Then, me and part of that team worked together at TubeMogul until we were consolidated by Adobe, who had acquired us, in 2018. After the consolidation, this same team stayed together to form our own company, which is now 57Blocks! As you can see, my team and I have known each other for a very long time.

Why did you choose to work with 57Blocks?
I wanted to stay with my team. When we are together, we have everything we need to be successful. We know how to build quality products together. I had already worked under Peter Wang, 57Blocks’ CEO, when he was the VP of Engineering at TubeMogul. He always found us lots of good projects. When he invited me to join his startup, I had enough confidence in him to accept the invitation. I trusted him to bring in projects and make it big. I also trusted him to be a good leader and offer vital support to the team.

What was your proudest moment at 57Blocks?
Our one-year anniversary. Why? Because we survived! We did it! Every year when we near the anniversary, I get excited. I can’t wait for us to reach the five-year mark. I feel like we will have learned and grown so much by then.

From a quality engineer’s point of view, what are the challenges of a startup company?
A major challenge of any startup company has to do with size. We started out with a very small team, so we had to learn how to work efficiently. The team recognized this right away and helped one another become more efficient in everything we do. For example, my testing team came up with ways to test our products more efficiently by asking the developers to do frequent self-testing, and adding more unit tests and quality control stops.

What is your greatest accomplishment in your work?
Building the testing team to where we are now, producing such high quality products. Our process of becoming more efficient also increased the quality of our work. I’m proud of us.

What is your greatest challenge in your work?
For now, building the automation frameworks. I’m learning something new. My team has never done this before, but I’m certain we’ll figure it out. We’re always growing!

What are you excited to learn about next?
Besides learning how to build automation frameworks, I’d like to learn about product management.

Martha, second to left, with friends from work

What’s it like to work in the 57Blocks Chengdu space?
I’m very comfortable, literally. Our desks and the chairs are quite nice. We even have standing desks, ping pong tables, and a beautiful kitchen. My team is open to talking about issues and helping one another. We have a great relationship with Linda, our manager. She always helps us when we are blocked. If I have too much to do, I can rely on my coworkers to take things off my plate.

Martha, second to left, and friends from work gathering with family in the garden

What do you value most about 57Blocks?
My friends. We have been together for many years and know each other well. That’s why I am satisfied with my job. I think feeling at peace in my work is the most important thing. I’m at peace because I see that we are united with a common purpose. Everybody wants to build better products. It’s our passion. Some people on my team have worked with me for seven years. Our friendship is so important and it goes beyond a shared office space. On weekends, we sometimes take our kids to the park so they can play together, while we sit and talk. Then, we go have dinner together.

Where do you see yourself in five years?
I’ll still be in Chengdu, in the project management or business analysis domain.

On a more personal note, what do you like to do when you aren’t at work?
I like to read, listen to music, and exercise.

How do you define success for yourself?
Success is about satisfaction with one’s current situation. I can be successful with very few “things”. Success is having a family, a stable job, and happiness. Other people may not be happy until they reach lofty goals, but I choose to always be happy.

Who inspires you?
I am inspired by my mother. Throughout university, she gave me advice when challenges arose. For instance, when I started dating, she helped me understand how to maintain the balance between love, work, life, and studying. She always encouraged me to be myself and not worry about the judgement of others. She was not an educated woman, but she is very wise. She is the greatest monk and is very brave. That’s why I love her.

Martha, posing by Pudget Sound in Seattle
Martha visiting University of Washington

What is your favorite place in the world?
Seattle, because it made such a great impression on me. Going to Seattle was my first time leaving China. I stayed in Downtown, near Airbiquity, and visited the University of Washington.

What is one thing you are looking forward to on your holiday?
Every holiday, I look forward to spending time with my family. This year, I’m going to take my kids and my parents to visit the ocean for the first time!

Hypothetically, if you couldn’t work in tech and money weren’t an object, what’s another business you would launch?
I would have a noodle restaurant!

YangChung Noodles by Chef Martha

