Celebrity Deaths of 2016

A 5ive Conversation in Remembrance of familiar names

Published in
3 min readJan 12, 2017


It’s true we never sat down to dinner with any of these celebrities. Or even met any of them, really. But there’s still a relationship that’s being nurtured. These are people who share their passion for entertainment, sports and art with a wide audience. Musicians and artists give us permission to feel and create and break out of comfort zones. Actors and writers take us outside of our reality and walk us through explorations we didn’t even realize were possible. Athletes inspire us to be stronger, focused, driven. Celebrities create instant bonds between fans. And the fans become the celebrity’s encouragement that fuels their passion, their work.

Matthew: 2016 had claimed another life, Carrie Fisher is dead.
Jackie: WHAT ARE YOU SAYING. I’m not even gonna Google it. If I don’t Google it it didn’t happen.
Matthew: Bowie. Prince. Leonard Cohen. George Michael. Muhammed Ali. Alan Rickman. This year has been brutal.

Matthew: I love this. Why so many men wanted their significant other to dress link Carrie Fisher in that scene boggled my mind as it one of more disturbing scenes in Star Wars. Nothing sexy about turning a woman into a sex slave.
Jackie: “I killed him because I didn’t like it.”
Matthew: Right?!?!?! That is exactly what happened.

Matthew: Ugh. That is terrible.
Jackie: But…

Jackie: Miss Cleo passed away this year. I remember early mornings, getting ready for school, I’d be watching infomercials — because a middle schooler definitely needs whatever the t.v. is selling — and I would want to call Miss Cleo so bad. I never worked up the guts to ask my parents, but, y’all, Miss Cleo was with me almost every morning while I contemplated how terrible/wonderful my life would be. Also, growing up I was really into wrestling. Like, WWF. Like, before The Rock had his shoulder tattoo. Or before Triple H was married to Stephanie McMahon because he was dating Chyna. Chyna who died in April. Her brain was donated to science to study the effects of chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Chyna was one of few celebrities that took their own life in 2016.

Jackie: I’m sure I’m the only one that took note of Miss Cleo or Chyna. But here’s a link to some familiar names that said good-bye in 2016. You’ll be blown away to learn some of the ones that didn’t make as many headlines as Bowie or Rickman.



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Thinker of simple thoughts complicated by manic daydreams.