Jackie’s Personal Hopes For 2017

Published in
1 min readJan 31, 2017


Matt:Should we start the 2017 discussion on what we can be hopeful for this year?

Jeremy: sure

Matthew: Let’s start with the personal and expand outward from there.

Jeremy: okay

Jacqueline: I hope we move out of our apartment. Is that what you mean?

Our lease is up in April, so we have to decide whether we’re going to stay for another 9 months or move. We’d like to move. But guys. Cost living is outrageous in California. I hope our church doesn’t have to move. That we’re able to have enough consistent income to stay in our building.

Or do you mean, I find hope in my improving health?

I find hope in the conversations I’ve been a part of or witnessed about being pro-active and wanting reconciliation over a personal agenda.It shows that there are people in the world who are open-minded and humble. Who will consider criticism and make a valiant effort toward change and reconciliation.

