Jeremy’s Personal Hopes For 2017

Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2017


Matthew: You moved into a new neighborhood so that means new opportunities and are you all still looking for a church or have you found your place at one?

Jeremy: That’s a good question. We had been visiting an Anglican church that we really like but it’s 30 minutes away. There’s a Presbyterian 1 mile from our house. We visited last week and liked the people we met. I met with the pastor this week and was really impressed with him. I don’t think the church will match every box, but that might be a good thing. Plus, I’m beginning to think it’s important to attend a church in the community where you live

So my hope is to finalize the church decision and get involved in it and then to connect with my community

Matthew: That is a good hope and you should come to the reformed side of things because it is the biblical side. I kid. I kid. :)

Jeremy: Nah

Matt: Hahahaha. I ultimately hope in the coming year that Jesus comes back. Or this year I mean…

Jeremy: yes, same

