This is Fine: A Five Conversation about 2016

Your Support Group For 2016

Published in
1 min readJan 9, 2017


When we started this blog in the twilight of 2014, our second list ever was about the worst things of the year, so chronicling all the bad things that happened in a year has been a sort of tradition for us. It is a way for us to mourn and eulogize all the death, destruction, and chaos of living in a world mired in sin. Yet this year, instead of providing our own lists we are collectively dialoguing about all that went wrong in 2016 and letting our memories of this shitty year to guide us into the only hope we have. So let’s say goodbye to the year full of bad and let it be an impetus to make changes for 2017 and bring hope in a way the world so desperately needs right now.

