Mondays 🚎 🚎 🚎

5k Foam Fest
5k Foam Fest Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2018

It’s not by REAL magic that the 5k Foam Fest apparates into 15 cities across Canada. But I can assure you there’s a lot of magic that goes into making each event a unique and foamy experience.

To give our participants a little insight into how we do what we do, we thought that pulling back the curtain a bit might satisfy some curiosity. We are in each city for 7 full days and every day has a purpose in order to bring the foamy magic. So, here is a full week in the life of the Canadian Foamies day by day

Monday’s are always travel days. We have 4 trucks and 2 big rigs that convoy together on a working road trip that always leaves us in awe of the country we live in. It’s a time to take the whirlwind of a week in, listen to some music and can act as an ad hoc team builder (whether the crew likes it or not!)

One of the best drives we have is from through Rogers Pass, Revelstoke, After leaving Sun Peaks, the crew loaded up early, bound for Red Deer, Alberta. This drive was nothing short of breathtaking. If you are in the truck with me I will make you stop at a local fruit stand and get as many cherries as we can carry because it’s not a summer road trip in BC without them. If you are in the truck with Uncle Mer and Walter, they will be pulling over a few times to take a dip in the glacier lakes that line Highway 1 and yes, they are freezing, yes they may throw you in, and yes, it’s a lot fun.

Every truck has a different sound track: Cowboy’s truck is always Country, Mer and Walter’s is a seemingly endless stream of 80’s hits (TBH, it’s more of a karaoke truck than anything). In Luc and Dude’s truck it can be a lengthy process to choosing music; there may be an Excel spreadsheet and a highly curated and much debated Spotify playlist. Brendo’s ride is deafening with anything related to a boy band: N’SYNC, Backstreet Boys and his ultimate fave One Direction (he’ll deny this, but we all know).

We all arrive at different times because of a stop here or there but we all arrive in the same place. Monday night is always relaxed and everyone is able to take a deep breath and treat the Monday like a Saturday night.


