Spotlight: Ambassador of the United Kingdom to the U.S., Kim Darroch

60 Days of Impact
Published in
2 min readJul 7, 2016
H.E. Ambassador Kim Darroch

How does your Embassy work to grow and strengthen international relationships?

The Embassy’s work is focused on developing and promoting the relationship between the UK and the US. This can involve politics, culture, heritage, business, or innovation. I requires me regularly to travel outside Washington, meeting contacts and partners, doing speeches or interviews, and holding events. We also have several consulate offices across the country — representing the UK across different states and handling a wide range of political, commercial, security, and economic work.

As Ambassador between your country and the United States, what has your greatest accomplishment been and/or what do you most hope to accomplish to strengthen sub-national diplomacy?

I have only been in the position since January this year. There is no single moment; every day spent as British Ambassador to the US is both a huge honour and exceptionally rewarding. But the biggest event has been welcoming 7,500 citizens of Washington to look around the magnificent Residence and the gardens on our ‘Open House Day’; an opportunity to give our hosts in this city a sample of the best of British culture. I’m looking forward to advancing the strong relationship between the UK and the US over the next few years — building on our existing relationships and forming new ones.

Have you worked with a sister city program in the past?

We always encourage cultural and business relationships between cities in the US and UK. The sister city programmes are a valuable tool to promote these, and certainly something that we support.

