Fat Isn't Funny

Your fat jokes say a lot more about you than anyone else’s body.

Shannon Ashley
60 Months to Ironman


People are weird. We like to call ourselves “nice people” and many of us claim to lack any sort of mean streak. But then we actually do get mad, and that’s when the really nasty insults come out.

We’re so good at justifying some really shitty behavior if we decide we don’t like a person. The people we don’t like don’t seem to warrant kindness from our circles.

If you’re mad enough, you might even think it’s okay to criticize a person’s body. Because that’s what a whole lot of people honestly believe, when you look at their words and actions.

If you have to ridicule a person's weight to make your point, you have nothing on them.

This should be obvious. Like really, really obvious. When you make fun of a person’s weight, you reveal whatever argument you have against them to be moot. You’re simply relying upon personal attacks to insult a whole person.

That doesn’t get you anywhere in a debate. Got something to say about Trump or Harvey Weinstein? Me too. But I sure as hell have nothing to say about their weight or their bodies. Fat shaming doesn’t belong in criticisms of character.

Your fat jokes tell…



Shannon Ashley
60 Months to Ironman

It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 https://ko-fi.com/shannonashley 📧 truthurts.substack.com