Food Is Not The Enemy, And Neither Is Sugar

Ask me how I know.

Shannon Ashley
60 Months to Ironman


A couple of weeks ago, Shaunta Grimes and I were chatting about eating and obesity when Shaunta explained that she doesn’t believe in food addiction.

I had to think about that for a minute because my knee jerk reaction was to say that no, I’m definitely a food addict. But Shaunta made a valid point.

I was wrong about food addiction.

Coming out of that conversation was a very uncomfortable reality--I am not a food addict, but I do have an eating addiction. I am not like an alcoholic who will drink mouthwash for a buzz. I can pass up potato chips in flavors I don't like, and I don't have an addiction to sugar that causes me to raid my daughter's stash of gummies or Skittles.

So, I eat what I like but skip what I don't.

And I frequently eat too much.

I binge and restrict, but these days, the binge episodes outweigh the restriction. And it’s really more the act of eating, and even the act of purchasing food that I have the biggest problems with.

Sure, like countless others, I have a problem labeling certain foods good and other foods bad. But it's very easy to make food out to be the villain. It's almost more acceptable to say that I'm addicted…



Shannon Ashley
60 Months to Ironman

It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 📧