7 Tips from 30 Days of Posting on Medium

From Nothing to 4,767 Views

Deandre Durr
60 Second Read by Dre Durr
3 min readDec 4, 2017


If you are not embarrassed by your first version you shipped to late- Reid Hoffman

For the past 30 days, I wanted to get in the habit of posting on Medium everyday. That meant one clear goal.


  • No content plan
  • No editor(Sorry for the horrible Grammar)
  • No turning back

Here is everything I learned, and how I plan on doubling my views to 10,000 next month.

  1. Medium rewards those that interact daily. Posting everyday created a nice backlog of content. I can always update an old post.
  2. The posts that did the best were the ones focused on a popular current event. Ex. Leaving after 6 months at 🍎
  3. I averaged 2 comments per day on other popular posts. That turned out to be a huge needle mover. I’ll be doubling down on this next month.
  4. Long Tail Tags were very big. One post I wrote about hunting was huge. Because I chose the hunting tag over other popular tags. I will be experimenting with more long tail tags.
  5. Asking for email subscribers is really stupid. I gained 4 subscribers within 30 days, that is abysmal. The best thing is to ask for a clap, or a follow. Keeping people on the platform is the best.
  6. It normally takes a new domain 6–9 months to be indexed by Google. Medium indexes in days!
  7. The way your article is designed is more important than how beefy it is.

What will I double down on?

1. Comments were huge. I will increase to 6 per day.

2. Short form content works well for current events. I will utilize Google Trends more for hot topics.

3. Motivation topics worked really well.

What will I experiment with this month?

  1. Long Form- 4 long long form articles this month that are at least 2500 words.
  2. Instead of asking for email subscribers I will move to asking for a follow or applause. Getting people to move away from the platform is not a good idea unless I have a good incentive.
  3. I will cross promote the feature image on Instagram. I can utilize more hashtags to a wider audience.
  4. Going back into past articles and changing the tags. That may open up to a different audience.
  5. One Guest Post on another Publication *fingers-crossed*.
  6. Reaching out for interviews.
  7. Since I am building up this catalog of posts. I can start including related articles in each post.

To sum it up, Medium is incredible for building a fan base when you don’t have one. Everything that I learned is priceless for learning the platform. I did not expect 4,700 views this month.

… I plan on doubling my traffic to 10,000 next month.

Think I will hit it?

Follow me and see for yourself.

Durr Out 🎤💧



Deandre Durr
60 Second Read by Dre Durr

I’m a marketer that writes code. Obsessed with growing things bigger than myself 👩‍🚀. My favorite topics are Growth Hacking, Startups, and Product Hunt 😸