Netflix Is A Fricking Genius company 💡

Deandre Durr
60 Second Read by Dre Durr
2 min readDec 5, 2017

Follow on my journey about Growth, Product Hunt, and Startups

Did you have a Netflix and chill weekend?

I did.

… with the wife.

I noticed one thing pretty interesting while switching between my profile and my wife’s profile.

The rating system for the same movie was different.

When I chose Stranger Things on my profile I had. 4-⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️. While my wife’s had 5-⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.

I didn’t understand why hers was different than mine until I realized how the rating system worked.

Netflix gives something a rating based on what you have watched before.

If you typically watch Disney movies then Pulp Fiction will get a low rating(one of the top 10 greatest movies of all-time).

It’s an absolute genius move because you are only recommended movies that you would typically watch. Therefore giving you a great experience all the time.

The problem comes in when you want to watch something completely different. Our brains are trained to go to the best-rated movies.

Netflix has so much data on everyone that they know the exact movie to create the best experience.

I can’t imagine what their data portal looks like. To be able to know when someone stops watching a movie, how many movies they watch on a weekend, what kind of movies they watch is incredible.

One company has enough data to create the greatest entertainment experience in history

Durr Out 🎤💧

Follow on my journey about Growth, Product Hunt, and Startups



Deandre Durr
60 Second Read by Dre Durr

I’m a marketer that writes code. Obsessed with growing things bigger than myself 👩‍🚀. My favorite topics are Growth Hacking, Startups, and Product Hunt 😸