Reading more = Writing more😎

High-Quality input = High-Quality Output

Deandre Durr
60 Second Read by Dre Durr
3 min readDec 16, 2017


When I first started this journey of writing every day. My first worry was how in the hell am I going to come up with daily blog topics.

When I transitioned into web development, I read less frequently😢.

In 2016, I averaged 2 books a month the first 6 months. The other 6 months I bumped it up to one-a-week.

When I started coding more. Book reading time was replaced with coding time. I read an article by Ryan Holiday on the reading to improve your writing.

That is the start of my second habit.

Carving out at least 20 minutes of my day to dig into one of my favorite books.

It can’t be some book e-book about,

“How to make 1 million dollars in 24 hours”- By Some Charlatan

It has to be a really good piece of juicy literature. Superb literature are timeless pieces that have stood the test of time. When you read books of the literature flock, you internalize the cadence of a extraordinary writing.

After from reading great writing. Your mind starts to create this vortex of amazing topics that are not the typical…

  • List Post
  • Interview Post
  • Round Up
  • Tools
  • Ultimate guide to flossing your teeth while standing on the toilet in your boxers.

You can spin them in many ways for your readers. In turn making you a thought leader of your industry.

Also it improves your vocabulary without the use of a thesaurus.

One of my struggles as I have been writing is learning how to deep dive on any topic. A great blog post is at least 1800 words.

I hate writing at the length. Since I have been studying writing from such great authors as Hemingway. I am learning how to become more descriptive in my story telling. Which one is better.

He turned the door knob and walked into the doorway.


He slowly etched closer to the door. Feeling his heart rate approaching Mach 2. James took a deep breath to calm himself down.

As he felt his pulse slowly drop. He looked down at the brass door knob to see his own reflection. He wiped away the bead of sweat from his temple. He knew it was now time.

Grasping the knob he slowly turned until he heard the springs click. Taking one step back and peering through the doorway it was revealed.

Sure it was easier to write “He turned the knob”. But the job of the author is writing for one purpose.

The reader😳

In conclusion, the reader has to be educated, inspired, or entertained. Doing only one and you have a hit, doing all 3 and you have a Blockbuster success.

My next habit that I need to focus on will be writing code everyday. 🤖

If reading make you want to write more.

What makes you want to code more?

Durr Out🎤💧



Deandre Durr
60 Second Read by Dre Durr

I’m a marketer that writes code. Obsessed with growing things bigger than myself 👩‍🚀. My favorite topics are Growth Hacking, Startups, and Product Hunt 😸