Telephone Spam List #5 : block these numbers used by tele marketers. . .

Fred Showker
60-Second Window
Published in
2 min readDec 29, 2022

Well here we go with the 5th list of numbers that we have vetted as true spammers or telephone scammers, or simply the disconnected numbers the tele-spammers used to call.

Create a new Contact and call it “A Spam 5” and then paste this list into the “add phone number” field. They should all just scroll right in. (tested on an iPhone)

(708) 691–0884
(816) 775–0808
(816) 775–0808
+1 (904) 851–0516

I named the Contact “A Spam” and a number so that it would appear at the top of the contacts list. And don’t forget, I called each and every one of these numbers back! I validated that they are spam, or disconnected numbers.

If you have a phone other than an iPhone, and the method of entering these is different, please send along instructions so we can include them here.

If you happen to start and maintain your own “Spam” listing, send them to me, and I’ll include them here.

Happy blocking!

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In case you get to read this article, and it’s not censored or blocked by Medium or Facebook, here’s a Facebook friendly MEME you can post if hate robo callers.

ANY Big Tech company who has your phone number can sell that number to tele-marketers. Just beware when they ask you for your number. Many use clever wording like “improve your security” … but seriously, has Facebook ever called you? Do they have a reason to call you? Have you ever called Facebook?



Fred Showker
60-Second Window

Design, Typography & Graphics Magazine and 60-Seconds exploring technology since 1987