The Nation Future Work Summit is happening soon, and you won’t want to miss out

Naing Oo
Published in
4 min readMay 23, 2018

Future of work is probably the buzzword of the year, because not only does it compasses AI and other technological trends that the startup realm is obsessed with, it might actually affect most of us in the near future.

Future of Work is a pretty new term that is birthed from the technological advances humankind has ventured into, changing the way we work, learn and live. Technology is pretty much an extra limb that we all have in our lives now, from Alexa to emails, we are pretty much dependent on technology now.

And with the rapid advancement of technology like AI and blockchain, the way we do things or the things we learn will change and is changing as we speak.

Hence, feeling the excitement or anxiety is a very natural reaction.

Real impact in the future

In our previous article with OpenLearning, we discussed the changes in edutech and the impacts of Future of Work. A particular statistic will highlight the importance of understanding this movement, “The Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) and EY have revealed that between 60–70% of students at Australian universities are being educated in jobs that won’t exist by the time they graduate.”

That clearly shows that we need to understand the change that is coming and what we need to do to keep us relevant as the Future of Work becomes a reality.

On top of upskilling ourselves, soft skills like creativity and thinking with digital in mind becomes more and more critical. With that, technology advancement isn’t going to sit there and wait for us to catch up.

Disruption is a buzzword that can get annoying but what the Future of Work will bring in is disruption. And how ready you are for it is the question. Are you disruption ready?

Questions will pop up in your mind as you questions if you are ready for this change. Will my skills be relevant in the next few years? What skill should I need to obtain before I become obsolete? What can I do to stay ahead?

And all your enquiries can be answered at the Nation Future Work Summit.

A summit that is solely focusing on Future of Work and the disruptions that it will bring in. The National Future Work Summit will analyse the challenges ahead and provide you with practical strategies on how to navigate this new world.

Very apt at this point in time I will say.

The summit will focus on themes that will not only be very relevant, but important for us to be aware of. Themes like ‘how to rewire your brain for the digital era’, ‘decoding disruption and tools to leverage it’ and ‘leading the workplace of the future’. There is definitely a topic for everyone, from organisational to individual.

The speakers vary from Google, MYOB and Microsoft to LinkedIn, BlueChilli and the Victorian Government. Speakers from vocational schools like General Assembly, Girl Geek Academy and Real-Time Learning will be there to pour in a different perspective.

The full line up of speakers can be found here.

Are you disruption ready?

Relevant content, a great line up of speakers, what more can you ask for? There will be a networking session at the end of the summit as well, and drinks will be present. On top of all that, if you buy a ticket, they will provide you with a Disruption Readiness Test, The test is provided by Resilient futures.

Over the past 20 years, Resilient Futures has researched the nature and impacts of disruption while working with communities and organisations to create effective strategies and tools. They have identified the critical elements of disruption readiness and developed a suite of tools and approaches to help organisations survive the changes of the future. Utilising their extensive research, Resilient Futures have created the Disruption Readiness Test to explore whether organisations and individual are ready to leverage disruption.

Wouldn’t that be helpful? To know if you are ready for this change that will be coming in the future.

If you need a little more convincing on why you should go, here’s what the Future Work Summit team said:

  • The FW Summit will provide an excellent opportunity for personal development.
  • The FW Summit will teach you skills that will benefit your company through increased productivity and ROI.
  • The FW Summit will provide an opportunity to network with industry peers spreading brand awareness of your company.
  • The FW Summit will inspire a dynamic workplace culture focused on collaboration.

Convincing you with the agenda of the event might come off like a marketing stunt, but we all know that the Future of Work is not just a passing trend and the impact that it might bring can be more disruptive than we expect.

So why not attend a summit that bases their sole focus on the Future of Work? The summit is on 30 May, and it will be a full day event. Tickets are available here.



Naing Oo
Editor for

Loves the social and cultural aspect of the startup industry, can be seen eating white rice and watching the Kardashians.