I am a de-railed freight train

(talk to the computer)

Fox Kerry
Tiny Myths


I am a de-railed freight train. With a computer running the boards.

You can tell me to go left, to lock hubs, to reverse throttle, or to throw out some steam. You would know better. Because you are on the rails. I know this. I don’t want to argue.

But you see, there is a computer at the helm. Running the rigs.

It doesn’t know you. It doesn’t know your clarity. Your integrity. Your experiences. Or your faith. It only knows the binary logic, of the sounds you are making.

So, whisper, or shout, or send SOS’s. Even try to over-ride the system. Whatever it takes.

For I am a de-railed freight car. And futures don’t bode well for them. And I know it.

But you must somehow, find a way, to speak to the computer.

Or else, to over-ride it.



Fox Kerry
Tiny Myths

If you paint for me even one thing which is true, perhaps I’ll be tempted to consider two. I tell tales poetically, someone else needs to set them to music.