6Block Spotted Filecoin Inflation Bug and Now a Member of its Security Fellowship

Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2020

6Block is a mining pool focusing on exciting projects in the blockchain space such as Handshake and Filecoin.

Since the launch of the Filecoin testnet Phase II, 6Block has focused on Filecoin mining optimization and debugging. The purpose of the testnet is to encourage the community to find as many bugs as possible, and 6Block is glad to contribute. 6Block found an inflation bug in the process, where people can exploit this bug to generate Filecoin tokens indefinitely. As we know, the total supply of Filecoin will be 2 billion, to be released over decades, similar to Bitcoin. However, due to the inflation bug 6Block reported, according to the filfox.io, the Filecoin explorer developed by 6Block, there are currently 9 accounts with balances over 1 billion on the test.

As firm believers in responsible disclosure, 6Block immediately reported the bug to the Protocol Labs team, and the team is working on fixing the bug. The testnet will be reset this week. We applaud the rigorous testing that the Protocol Labs team has done with Filecoin, which we believe will help catapult our industry into a new era, and we look forward to the main network launch.

Per the invitation of Filecoin, 6Block is now a proud member of the Filecoin Security Research Fellowship.

As we are approaching the main net of Filecoin, 6Block chief architect Lee White said that “6Block believes in the technology and ethos of Filecoin and is thrilled to be a member of the Fellowship.”

6Block is a mining pool focusing on the most exciting projects in the blockchain space. It will roll out Filecoin mining joint hosting services and mining software licensing services soon.

Stay tuned for more information at 6blok.com and follow us on Twitter @6block2.

6Block focuses on “Unicorn” projects in the blockchain area, providing solutions for cryptocurrency mining, including highly efficient mining programs, mining pools, hardware, cloud mining, and wallets.

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