6D Demo Challenge Finalists — Round 1

Bruce Wooden
Published in
4 min readOct 19, 2018

Prototypes showcase depth, occlusion, pathfinding, physics, multiuser and more

A few months ago, we challenged developers in our private beta to pitch interactions and prototypes that would vividly illustrate the future potential of the 6D Reality Platform.

Today, we are proud to present the first batch of finalists from that challenge! A rabbit is told to hide and seeks out occlusion, a dragon plays fetch at home and in the park, rock climbers are guided along the right path, dirt bikes race over furniture then crash and burn off the couch, and an ivy garden grows along the curves, curbs and edges of your world.

VOCAL CREATION (aka Whizzy Wig Rabbits) by Patched Reality

One of the most ambitious pitches we received was Vocal Creation. The user speaks words into the mic, and those words actually fly from the phone as physical objects. Most words simply crash into a heap of letters, but some special words produce surprising effects — creating a bunny rabbit and a patch of clover for it to eat, for instance. By creating and directing the bunny, Vocal Creation manages to show how the level of engagement with a character can expand when it understands the world around it. This prototype speaks to a future where we would not only build on top of the real world, but those building blocks could behave in ways that would surprise us.
6D Features: Outdoors, Indoors, Occlusion mesh, Physics mesh, Pathfinding

What could you create with this? Rainbows End? Could the rabbit be a guide for you? Could you create a magical Owl that goes off & retrieves your email for you & drops it on your desk?

DRAGON FETCH by HappyGiant

HappyGiant made a prototype showing how the typical AR creature app can be elevated to the next level using 6D. The dragon is able to explore the area around the user, indoors or outdoors, even flying to land on top of objects. Not only that, but you play fetch with this dragon using a moderate ball of flame! The ball can be tossed behind boxes or around corners, and the dragon will disappear behind those objects in pursuit of its prize. Once he retrieves the ball, he will fly over and around real world objects to return the ball to you. This opens up a future where your favorite characters don’t just sit in front of you, but explore and interact with everything around you.
6D Features: Outdoors, Physics mesh, Occlusion mesh

We’ve all seen how Pokemon Go gave a simple AR experience when hunting monsters. What if those monsters could literally hide from you? or needed multiple people to surround them? What if that wasn’t a dragon, but was a Call of Duty style spec-ops soldier hiding behind the rock?

BOULDER AR by Whitman Schorn

This was a use case that caught us by surprise and is incredibly creative. The BoulderAR prototype leverages the meshing, multiuser and persistence features of the 6D Reality Platform to make digital notations on climbing walls. Once a climbing path is assigned to a wall in AR, any user can scan that wall and retrieve that digital climbing path. You can imagine a future where this app could work with wearable AR tech, not only inside at the climbing gym but outdoors on a real cliff face.
6D Features: Meshing, Occlusion mesh, Multiuser, Persistence

What tasks could be made easier with instructions overlaid on the world? Typically these have been enterprise apps for factories etc, but now you can build them with just a smartphone.


One of the most fun pitches we received was Lil’ Dirt Bikers! Mini motorcyclists zoom, spin, and crash around your environment, wherever it might be. This prototype shows off the ability of 6D to support experiences from outdoors to indoors and vice versa. It also illustrates navigation over uneven terrain as the bike zooms around the desk, and occlusion as it crashes behind the couch. This concept might lead to an app that transforms an ordinary environment into an epic racing arena, without the need to clean up toys and tracks afterward.
6D Features: Physics mesh, Occlusion mesh, Outdoor to Indoor transition

Could you imagine a world of tiny people (or creatures) that live amongst us, and have their own challenges navigating the human scale world? From The Borrowers, back to Leprechauns and Faeries, these myths have anchored our stories for millennia, now you can make them visible …

GARDENKIT AR by Charles Poole

GardenKit is one of the most unique demos in the bunch. This prototype allows the user to walk around and grab a magical garden in their wake. We see in the video that the user walks several blocks outdoors, planting ivy as they go. You will notice that the ivy grows along the meshing, and that many irregular shapes are successfully meshed and covered with greenery. Imagine the opportunities this presents — maybe one day an outdoor Farmville? Maybe just a way to beautify the world with dynamic art?
6D Features: Outdoors, Occlusion mesh, Continuous meshing

A huge thanks to our first round of Demo Challenge winners, as well as to everyone that submitted a pitch. We will have another round of interesting and inspiring demos to announce soon.

If you have a pitch of your own that you would like to send our way, please do not hesitate. Visit the 6D Demo Challenge page to learn more.



Bruce Wooden
Writer for

Developer Relations @6D_ai. VR Evangelist/SME, technology curriculum creator, @SVVRLive Co-founder, @AltspaceVR Co-founder. My views are my own.