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Will MDMA-assisted therapy be the vanguard for psychedelic-based treatments?

6Pages Briefs



  • With the coming conclusion of the MAPP1/MAPP2 Phase 3 clinical trials, MDMA could become widely available as part of an FDA-approved, therapist-supervised prescription treatment for PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) as soon as 2023.
  • Psychedelic drugs are demonstrating therapeutic potential for treating an array of mental conditions such as PTSD, treatment-resistant depression, addiction (e.g. opioids, heroin, cocaine, smoking, alcohol), anorexia, and anxiety.
  • Society and policymakers are signaling a greater willingness to decriminalize psychedelics for medical uses. Regulators, in turn, are indicating greater openness to therapies that represent a step-up in efficacy over available alternatives.
  • Some are already concerned that psychedelics are becoming the next “cannabis bubble.” While psychedelics are showing promise, most of the industry players are still at a relatively early stage — suggesting they may be overvalued in this frothy market.
  • The stage is set for a new, innovative class of prescription treatments that can address persistent mental conditions. The winners among the psychedelic pharma companies will have a foothold in an emerging $100B market.

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