Gustave Caillebotte and his photographic paintings

Oarsmen Rowing on the Yerres

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Author: Gustave Caillebotte, Original title (French): Canotiers ramant sur l’Yerres, Year: 1877, Found in: Private Collection

Oarsmen Rowing on the Yerres is one of the most representative works of the essence of Gustave. I could not say style, since he experimented with various styles and that is ultimately what adds visual richness to each of his paintings.

Gustave Caillebotte is considered to be the underrated artist of the Impressionists, as his riends and contemporaries such as Monet, Dégas and Pisarro were more recognized as creators in these artistic circles.

But Gustave is definitely not someone we should feel sorry about, since he was the one with the greater purchasing power of all of them. Which is why he also acted as patron, sponsor and organizer of all art exhibitions. Thanks to him, great artists were known.

But not only our painter sponsored talent, he himself had very particular artistic gifts. For example, his beautiful composition. The composition of his paintings resembled the frames of a photographic camera viewfinder.

In the Rowers in the Yerres we can see a very interesting perspective inside the boat where the foreground (the man in front) is in greater focus than the background (the man in the back). Playing with what is known in photography as “depth of field”. We also notice the sharp cut of the rower’s…



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