5Books for a Young SEO…& CEO

To be perfectly honest, I am not the most experienced person in anything I do…how could I be, I am only 23. I can’t code (beyond a 4th grade level). I am not Stanford MBA material. In fact, I do not have any exceptional “technical” skill…yet. I am simply a young SEO and CEO whose sole focus is to learn more today so I can do better for my team and clients tomorrow.

Regimented learning through consistent reading is my weapon for growth.

Please find my 5Books below:

  1. The Bible: I cannot think of a more thorough and applicable book. In spite of it’s archaic nature, I find relevant wisdom and guidance (and scolding) in how I manage people and interact with clients daily within it’s pages.
  2. The Lean Startup: As I began my professional journey, I was (and still am) obsessed with creating. I was not obsessed with listening. Nothing is more important than listening to who you are targeting. Whether you are engaging a client or user, data accumulation via listening is ammunition for growth. The Lean Startup provides a foundation for purposeful listening.
  3. Contagious: Not all ideas are created equal. It’s that simple. Your timing, messaging, and pitch must be inherently contagious. While my industry, SEO, isn't inherently “contagious” the impact of your interaction with whom you engage with can and should be. A service can and should be contagious if you yourself are infectiously driven towards quality.
  4. Slicing Pie: How you treat people financially is a cornerstone for professional relationships. If you are not paying someone in correlation to the value they create you are not being just. We all inherently understand justice and want to be treated justly. How to distribute equity fairly is the premise of this book.
  5. Basic Economics: We all want to offer the world something. How much the world want’s it combined with how many people are offering it dictates the price…unless you differentiate it so much that there is nothing like it. True disruption is founded upon this basic economic principle.

I apologize that I did not reach seven books and that I may have introspectively slipped into a monologue at parts; however, I hope that these books can be of at least marginal influence to any young SEO or CEO.

I encourage everyone to learn more today so that you might be even more exceptional tomorrow.


