The Size of Thoughts

Tom Critchlow
7 books — playlists for bookworms
1 min readNov 7, 2014

by Nicholson Baker

I fell in love with Nicholson Baker when I read the following excerpt. Originally posted by Boing Boing in 2012:

An excerpt from The Size of Thoughts by Nicholson Baker

Nicholson Baker has a way with words and a way with eyes. I know he has a way with his eyes because I can read it in his writing. Nicholson Baker weighs every thought and mental image and depicts thoughts large and small both. Poking into ideas of writing on rubbers or who manufacturers toenail clippers? But there’s also a lyrical and magical truth to his writing. Peppered throughout his essays — moments I find myself pondering years after I’ve read them.

So go buy it. Or drop me a line and I’ll let you have my copy.

The Size of Thoughts by Nicholson Baker

