24th December, 2017- Chronicle 16

Puneet Kaura
7 Bullet SUNDAY
Published in
2 min readDec 24, 2017

Here are the 7 bullets of this week-

  1. Ego Lifting- Ego lifting refers to act of lifting heavy weights for the sole purpose of impressing other people/chasing certain numbers. I realized this last week when I punched my Squat numbers on this blog, I too had become an ego-lifter, trying to chase numbers rather than enjoying the workout. I got back on track this week. NOTE to anybody working out- PROGRESS NOT EQUAL TO HEAVYWEIGHT(especially with bad form) and in case of workouts CONSISTENCY >>> INTENSITY.
  2. [DEV BULLET OF THE WEEK — FEATURE FLAGS]- I have been programming for 10 years now, I always used to struggle with doing releases to a subset of users till I seriously read about Feature flags this week. Easy implementation and you will never have to switch back and forth between branches for testing new features. This 15 min talk on youtube gave me the motivation to start with feature flags-

3. __self__.BREAKING POINT- When was the last time you really pushed yourself very hard — To the point where you were totally spent ? I do not have a good answer this question my self, most of my efforts where I really pushed hard were for trivial endeavors. What are we saving ourselves for ? Why not push ourselves to achieve what we think we can ? These questions intrigue me.

4. [DEV BULLET OF THE WEEK 2] Best tools for Web developers 2017 -

5. GOOGLE MAP MOAT- I fell in love with the sheer detail of the following article, Fascinating read about how Google Maps >> Apple Maps. My head spins just by thought of writing something so detailed -

6.[PRODUCT BULLET OF THE WEEK] Product Frameworks- Like the design principles link published last week, I found a great resource which enlists how great product companies like Amazon, Dropbox approach improving their products. Find the resource below -

7. POWER OF NOW- I found this beautiful poem about not withholding our feelings-


We are repeatedly told Life is short, Let’s not delay living the life we desire. DO IT NOW.



Puneet Kaura
7 Bullet SUNDAY

Figuring out my seg-way into Web3 — Reach out for Web3 Dev and Product roles