30th September, 2017 — Chronicle 4

Puneet Kaura
7 Bullet SUNDAY
Published in
3 min readOct 1, 2017

Here are this week’s 7 bullets :

  1. India 1,2,3 4 and 5- When seen from consumption patterns of goods and services, India is not one country- We in-fact have 5 financial demographics with each consuming its unique set of products and services(overlap is quite small). Whenever you start to think of building a product for “Bharat” think about which India you are targeting- The product, the pricing, the marketing has to be radically different for each of the 5 demographics. I thought of the above when I came across the below visualization -

2. Dev bullet of the week — Alternate Cloud services- AWS is a firm favorite among developers, they have literally left everybody in dust when it comes to innovation both in terms of improving existing products and launching new ones. BUT AWS IS FREAKING EXPENSIVE, especially when you are bootstrapped and piloting the idea on a small scale. Google Cloud and Alibaba cloud offer great options to pilot your projects(You can scale too, SnapChat is entirely on Google Cloud) , with both providing $300 free credit to try out their services. Check them out here :

3. Marketing bullet of the week-MISSING GUIDE TO COHORTS by WebEngage :

This is the easiest guide to understanding cohorts (must have skill for every marketeer out there). MUST READ

4. Saying NO and not feeling guilty is a SUPERPOWER- Again this distilled wisdom comes from my favorite modern day philosopher — Naval Ravikant. I have had a hard time implementing this, but you get better with time.

5. Gratitude- One of the simplest way to feel good and make others feel good is expressing gratitude. Dropping a simple thank you to the person delivering your parcel or tea, telling people you love how much you mean to them instantly makes the day better. Expressing gratitude is the lowest hanging fruit when it comes to being happy — NOTE TO SELF — USE IT AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN, INFACT GO FURTHER MAINTAIN A GRATITUDE LOG TO MAKE SURE I AM DOING IT ENOUGH. I found this beautiful letter on the internet expressing thanks :

6. Workout bullet of the week — THE CORE- I always have had above average strength and a weak core, since I was weak in core section I always used to avoid exercising it thinking I would fail, will not be able to do requisite amount of reps and disappoint myself. Today the fear ends — I will make my core into a strong one in the next 6 months. Here is the circuit i plan to follow :

7. Easydistribution- Finally the project I am working on has a ‘working name’, the mission remains the same — Help small manufacturers and importers become successful aka sell more. I want to be able to give these SME’s almost the same product distribution muscle that is enjoyed by the big brands. To start, I am focussing on helping new FMCG brands solve the operational and logistics challenges to sell in modern trade outlets. I launched a quick landing page — easydistribution.in. If anybody reading this knows someone who has launched a new FMCG brand please point them in my direction, would love to help.



Puneet Kaura
7 Bullet SUNDAY

Figuring out my seg-way into Web3 — Reach out for Web3 Dev and Product roles