31st December, 2017- Chronicle 17

Puneet Kaura
7 Bullet SUNDAY
Published in
2 min readDec 31, 2017

As we begin to welcome 2018, I wanted to write an extremely selfish blog update — things I will accomplish in 2018, this is my way to hold myself accountable. Some of these will be aspirational, some of them vague still as they say A BAD PLAN IS BETTER THAN NO PLAN. Here we go-

  1. Build for the long term- Start on a really ambitious project with a very long time horizon, say 10 years, the one that can have a very big impact even if you get it 10% right. Work on it part time, on-the-side whatever but keep it going and write about it. For me that problem statement is — Helping Indian small businesses become successful. “Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway”.
  2. Re-connect- I will make an active effort every week to reach out friends/ex-colleagues/relatives whom I like but have not been able to keep up with, thanks to being ‘BUSY’. I hope to be more social offline. TIP OF THE DAY — Instantly add 15 min to your day and become happier by removing Instagram from your phone, worked perfectly for me and I am not missing on anything worthwhile.
  3. Brand- Perception is Reality that is what my super first boss told me, didn’t understand it then, now I am just beginning to get it. I will invest in building an image — What I stand for, What I want to accomplish etc . Either you control how you are perceived or you risk people controlling that. Will be working on my website and all my social media profiles to put out the real me.
  4. Reflect- When was the last time you spent 30 min thinking about how you have been living. Almost all of us are going with the flow. I am not saying to not live in the moment and plan everything like a military strike, just plan/think about the macros(big decisions) and live in the moment for the rest. I will reflect for 30 min(starting with 15 min will build up-to 30min) and write down in a private journal my thoughts on what is going right and wrong.
  5. Read and Learn- Read everyday, it should not about how much but read everyday. One page, One paragraph anything works- DON’T UNDER-ESTIMATE THE POWER OF SMALL PROGRESS. Maintain a learning log.

6. Build a $1000 MRR side project — Self explanatory. This might be a good way to get started on point number 1 of this post.

7. Give up food anxiety- I always want my every meal to be exciting and something to look forward to, this is a big productivity sink and responsible for all health problems I have or will be having in the future. This habit will probably take 5 years to develop but again DON’T UNDER-ESTIMATE THE POWER OF SMALL PROGRESS.

Have a great 2018, over and out.



Puneet Kaura
7 Bullet SUNDAY

Figuring out my seg-way into Web3 — Reach out for Web3 Dev and Product roles