Trello Focus — Pulling out the most actionable information to the surface

Trung Luong
Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2020

A simple Chrome extension to make use of Trello board’s space, expose actionable information.

Five years ago, I started using Trello — a simple tasks management tool — and quickly fell in love with it. However, as the project went on, the number of cards overwhelmingly increase. As a product manager, I found it was difficult for me to have an overview of how things were going.

We used comments as the tool to do periodically update and let other know if the task was blocking by someone or something. Looked at the comment thread, I could see the whole story. But most of the case, I just needed to see the latest one. Yet the only way to do it was to open every single card.

Then I wrote a simple Chrome extension which could pull the latest comment and display it right on the board, along with the card. It gave me an overview of what’s going on and whom I needed to chase in order to get the card done.

I also added another bonus to this extension: minimizing the card’s header image. I don’t understand why Trello still keeps the design in which attached image is treated as if it is Facebook cover. For all the projects that I went through, the attached images are screenshots and design materials; they are either too small to see the information or too big just to indicate there’s an attached image.

I found the card’s header image has no purpose except making the board extremely distracted.

After install the extension. Bonus: Your name will be lighted if you’re tagged in the comment.

Here goes the link to Github incase someone feel like contributing:



Trung Luong
Editor for

Doing data, tech and strategic partnership at 7-Eleven Viet Nam