WebSocket Security and Scalability.

TM30 Global
TM30 Global Limited Blog Posts
3 min readAug 10, 2023


Welcome to Our 3rd Episode on WebSockets. Today, we’re diving into an essential topic: WebSocket Security and Scalability. As we unlock the world of WebSockets, we’ll show you how to keep your connections safe and your apps ready to handle a flood of users. No jargon — just simple explanations that make sense.

Ensuring Secure WebSocket Connections: SSL/TLS

Just like locking your front door, using SSL/TLS is a must for your WebSocket connections. This encryption duo shields your data from prying eyes during transmission, ensuring your conversations stay between you and your users.

Implementing Authentication and Authorization

Imagine a secret club where only members are allowed in. That’s what we’re doing with WebSockets. By implementing authentication, we ensure only authorized users can access the party. Authorization takes it up a notch, giving different users different levels of access.

Handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

Ever needed to share your snacks with a neighbor? CORS is like that but for WebSockets. It controls who gets to play with your app’s WebSockets and keeps the wild internet at bay.

Scaling for Success: Load Balancing and Session Management

As your app gets more popular, it’s like throwing a bigger party. Load balancing spreads the fun across multiple servers, preventing one server from getting too overwhelmed. And session management? Think of it as helping your servers remember your guests’ names and preferences.

Below is an implementation of a WebSocket connection using Node.js, a runtime for JavaScript developers.

This file creates an HTTP server using the http module and listens on port 8080.

It imports the createWebSocketServer function from the websocketServer.js file.

When the HTTP server is started, it invokes the createWebSocketServer function and passes the HTTP server instance to it.

This file defines the createWebSocketServer function, which takes the HTTP server instance as a parameter.

It imports the WebSocket module for creating WebSocket connections and the verifyUser function from the auth.js file for user verification.

The createWebSocketServer function creates a WebSocket server using the ws library and listens for connections.

Upon connection, it extracts the query parameters from the URL and verifies the user using the verifyUser function from the auth.js file.

If the user is not verified, the connection is closed with the code 1000 (normal closure) and the reason “Unauthorized.”

If the user is verified, the server handles incoming messages and socket close events.

This file defines the verifyUser function, which takes a username and password as parameters.

It contains simulated user data stored in the authorizedUsers array.

The verifyUser function checks if the provided username and password match any entry in the authorizedUsers array and returns true if a match is found.

This structure separates the concerns of creating the HTTP server, handling WebSocket connections, and authenticating users into different files for clarity and maintainability. Each file focuses on a specific aspect of the application.


In the world of WebSockets, security and scalability go hand in hand. So, whether you’re protecting your users’ data or preparing for an influx of new friends, these practices ensure you’re ready to take on the web. Stay tuned for more exciting insights as we journey further into the realm of WebSockets.



TM30 Global
TM30 Global Limited Blog Posts

TM30 is a technology services provider with technical expertise in developing innovative solutions. We are located in Lagos, Nigeria. email: contact@tm30.net