So What’s It Worth to You?

Dan Shafer
70 the Hard Way
Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2016

Or more to the point, what’s it worth to us. Because whatever “it” is, I can promise you we are — or were — or will be — in it together.

I celebrated by 70th birthday this year. Being an introspective guy, I’ve spent a lot of time this year looking within to discover what purposes I’ve served, what successes I’ve enjoyed, what I’ve learned from many failures. You know, how it all shakes out as I enter the so-called Golden Years.

And I realized that I’ve been around long enough to have gathered some…let’s call it “wisdom” even though that word is significantly overused today.

I’m principally a writer and I’ve spent most of my life trying to figure out — with some surprising (to me) success, actually — how to make a living with words and ideas. The subjects have shifted over time. The words have (hopefully) grown more facile. I’ve frequently allowed myself to be distracted by shiny objects I thought would be more fun from which to earn a living. Every such turn has been “wrong” on some level but they’ve all been learning experiences, so while they may have taken me off course, they have never been “bad” choices or decisions.

I have two blogs I maintain fairly actively, and a spiritual book “brand” business that occupies a lot of my time and expresses my passion, but I decided to give this new tool a try for something completely different.

Here’s where I’ll gather my various tidbits of insight and experience that I suspect someone will find interesting or worthwhile or practical or helpful or funny. Maybe some or all of the above.

I really love chatting with readers, so if you have any feedback or points of curiosity or just want to say hi, please do. I promise I’ll read your comment and, assuming it’s not just a nasty attack (and maybe even then) respond kindly.

First real post coming up shortly.

Hope you enjoy!

