75 Hard — Week 4 Update (Weight Gain??! Then, THIS Happened…)

Ups and downs are normal

Christina Piccoli
75 Hard


Image created in Midjourney

In case you missed it, I’m doing the 75 Hard program. All the details are here.

Last week, I had no weight loss.

But I wasn’t worried because I knew it would shift soon. And boy did it!

Check out this chart of what happened this week:

Screenshot taken by the author.

Last week I was at 136.3.

Then my weight went up to 137.7 on Saturday! But this is why weighing daily is kind of nice.

You can see the ups and downs and not panic when something shifts.

It made sense that my weight went up on Saturday because my stomach didn’t feel good. So I chalked it up to inflammation due to eating something that didn’t agree with me.

On Monday, my weight dropped to 135.6! I thought that was awesome and would have been happy to report that number in this update.


On Wednesday my weight dropped again to 135.

I was super happy to report that in this update!



Christina Piccoli
75 Hard

On a mission to make $5k+ per month with writing & simple digital assets. I share short lists of what I learn @ https://intellectualists.com