10 | Problems

Enrique Martínez
750 max.
Published in
4 min readJan 19, 2021


Complex problems are a tunnel we enter and have no idea how long we will be in the dark, even if there is an exit on the other end.

We use the word ‘problem’ for every type of challenge we confront. Big or small, simple or complex, the same word will do to refer to a leaking faucet or the planetary effects of global warming.

The dictionary is full of synonyms that designate specific types of problems more precisely: challenge, crisis, issue, trouble, hardship, dilemma, predicament, or quagmire are some examples. None of these words is more widely accepted than problem, though.

Problem solving is a very popular expression but what does it mean, exactly? Surely, you say problem solving but would never say predicament solving or dilemma solving, would you?

In an exercise I did with federal executives, I gave them a list of synonyms of the word problem and asked them to discuss it in small groups and come to a consensus about their meaning. Then, I showed them the definitions from the dictionary. There were misalignments for most words (including problem).

Is it possible that we use just the same word for every type of problem because we can’t be bothered to be more precise? Is it that we believe all the problems we face are of the same kind? Perhaps if we spent more time understanding the nature of the problems we confront, we would see the value of naming them more precisely.



Enrique Martínez
750 max.

Devil’s Advocate in Chief. To exist is to resist. Bringing a creative perspective to leadership. Design is a life skill. Drawing in black and white.