6 | Uncertainty

Enrique Martínez
750 max.
Published in
4 min readDec 22, 2020


Imagination is a necessary skill to operate in our uncertain world.

Uncertainty is paralyzing. Here is one way to experience it:

1) Find a sidewalk or a path with no obstacles in sight — I live in the District and recommend the sidewalks by the Lincoln Memorial reflecting pool, if you can go at a time when tourists are still sleeping.

2) Take a last look around to make sure the path is still clear and nobody is moving your way: no dogs running around nearby, no odd couples on the same scooter coming in your direction…

3) Close your eyes. Start walking with your eyes closed, counting your steps: one, two, three, four…

How many steps can you take before you have to open your eyes?

There is not a winning number. Counting the steps serves the purpose of giving you an idea of how long you are able to walk with your eyes closed before the uncertainty of not seeing what’s in front of you becomes unbearable.

When you started walking you were 100% certain that you could keep walking safely because there were no obstacles in sight. As you kept taking steps in the dark, you began to question that initial certainty because you were not receiving the visual confirmation that the path was still clear. The longer you walked in the dark, the more hesitant you became; you thought that, perhaps you would be coming across an obstacle you missed in your initial scan. Soon…



Enrique Martínez
750 max.

Devil’s Advocate in Chief. To exist is to resist. Bringing a creative perspective to leadership. Design is a life skill. Drawing in black and white.