
Mathias Jakobsen
750 word stories
Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2014

Sasha awoke in her bed one morning, sun flooding through the window, and realized that her left arm, though still connected to her body, technically no longer belonged to her.

She got up and with her right hand she brushed off the layers of lint that had piled on top of her. The time was just after nine and her body was aching like a cracked iPhone screen on a rainy day. It all began two years before. She had met Mr. Mumbazzo in a hotel lobby in Sierra Leone. Mr. Mumbazzo was tall and looked strong and Sasha was scared and skinny. They had talked for hours about life and the universe and Sasha had confessed that she had lost faith. She was didn’t know what to believe. All the evil in the world. The violence on TV. The terror. Since the tragic events of 2017 it had all escalated rapidly. Now you could’t leave your cell without worrying about the next attack. Governments had given up. Mumbazzo nodded and understood and the bottle of vodka disappeared gradually -shot after shot. It was almost 4am when Mumbazzo told Sasha about the Holy Hands Helpers 3H. 3H was an underground movement that Mumbazzo had founded seven years prior and it existed with the sole purpose of eradicating evil. Sasha was ready to sign up almost without any further explanation. All you have to do is surrender one of your hands. Sacrificing it to the greater good. Said Mumbazzo. Sasha couldn’t understand. What does that mean? She asked. Mumbazzo explained. Too many religious movements relied on the individual judgement of the participants. So although they all learned from the same texts, they might have different interpretations and act quite differently in the pursuit of good. 3H would overcome it by actually taking possession of a part of the believers’s bodies and remote controlling it with a series of nano chips implanted in the soft tissue.

Sasha was shocked and she started crying. She had not imagined that this was how it would work. But me Mumbazzo calmed her down. He said: I am the prophet. I have been endowed with powers of this universe beyond any being. I shall lift you up with the sheer power of my mind and reveal to you the divine vision of how the world could be. And so he did and there was piece and calm and Sasha saw that he was good and she said: I will do anything that you ask of me my lord. Which arm should I surrender?

Mumbazzo was quiet for a while. You already know which one. And so began the slow process and nano implantation.

You too can become a force of good if you are willing to sacrifice a part of yourself to the universe. Hear that it has been said: we are all just floating particles. Amen.



Mathias Jakobsen
750 word stories

Creator of Think Clearly. Former SYPartners, Hyper Island and faculty at Parsons