Dutty Bookman’s Wisdom for Wordsmiths: Paradigm & Presentation.

Published in
3 min readFeb 2, 2018
Image via duttyism.com

Well-known as the founder of Bookman Express (Fattidic, King Sun: Testaments of Sunlight & Water) and the sage responsible for the term Reggae Revival, Dutty knows a thing or two about the world of words. He leverages platforms such as events, tours and panels to spread his message and works, while skankin’ sweet between the literary and music worlds as an author, publisher, radio host and selector. In his own well-thought out words:

I am Dutty Bookman, a thinker, an instigator, a family man. I am deeply affected by the human condition and I always seem to be working on ways to improve it for future generations. I have idealistic visions of life and what it should be, and I am learning to balance these visions with the practical strategies needed to achieve them. I resolved some time ago to walk a revolutionary path and, with diligent effort, I am proudly serving a community of likeminded people as we endeavor to become members of a new race, transcending petty divisions in the hopes of everlasting peace.

— via duttyism.com

Image via duttyism.com

Dutty — whose namesake is a call back to legendary Boukman from the Haitian revolution — fearlessly explores new creative avenues for one of the earth’s most longest running art forms.

When asked what advice he has for writers and publishers of today, he blessed us with honest insight to expound upon and ponder:

Creatives today are living in a time when human consciousness is evolving at a rapid rate. With the increasing number of digital avenues for self-expression available now, we who are inclined to write face an interesting challenge. We have to intensify the output of authentic representations of ourselves and our culture to match the spiritual mood of the times. Furthermore, most of us have to do this with little to no meaningful resources. This is a main challenge that we are tackling right now with Bookman Express. I feel we are on the cusp of a new paradigm in publishing and the presentation of literature but it could be a lifelong task to see what I am envisioning come to fruition.

I encourage all wordsmiths out there to think about how much emotional batter-bruising they can take if they truly love their craft and aim to make a living from it. The world of literary art is most unglamorous. Neither is it likely to be the sole source of sustenance for a majority of authors.

Definitely something to meditate on. Especially as we navigate the worlds of self-publishing, social media and simulation. Are you up to the task? If you’re a wordsmith, we’d love to hear your thoughts as we continue to explore the worlds of authors, writers, and journalists in upcoming stories.

In the meantime, learn from the wordsmith through his journey at @DuttyBookman on all platforms and at http://duttyism.com .

