Kino’s Journey: The Beautiful World

One small, valuable lesson from a wonderful anime series.

2 min readJan 23, 2018


Disclaimer: Contains potential spoiler and character trait reveal.

Kino’s Journey: The Beautiful World is about a traveler who journeys from country to country with a talking motorcycle. Staying only 3-days in each country to learn as much as possible before heading to the next.

The countries all have unique customs and philosophical undertones, and the writing is excellent. The storylines are engaging and the animation is soft. It’s also a breath of fresh air by managing to go an entire season without relying on violence, magic or sexuality. The main. character is skillful, and typically only fights during unusual plot twists.

Highly recommended for anyone who needs a creative break and a reminder how beautiful intriguing and unexpected the world truly is.

Watch all 12 episodes on or via the Crunchyroll app.

