It’s the end of another year🔚

Alexandra Claudia
Published in
2 min readDec 19, 2022

I want to start by saying that 2022 was a unique and exciting year for our company, and we wanted to celebrate that with a Christmas party, mainly because we wanted to say thank you to all of our colleagues for all the hard work they did this year. 🙏 The thing I love most about the office Christmas party is that the whole hierarchy is out the window after the second drink,😁 but that means everyone is having fun and we are happy about it.😊


Dinner was first, and of course, we had sarmale and cozonac, two traditional Romanian dishes. We then shared the Secret Santa presents, and the celebration began. 🥳🕺 Unfortunately, our remote coworkers were unable to attend, but there will be another opportunity.☺️

I think we did a great job with the tree decoration💪

As the year is coming to an end soon, I want to compile a list of everything that influenced our company. We entered 2022 full of optimism and energy. We took part in Expo Dubai 2020 at the beginning of the year. After that, we travelled to MWC Barcelona, where we had the opportunity to do some excellent business. We want to grow the team, so this year we found some incredible candidates that helped us out. The IoT Solutions World Congress in Barcelona was the next fantastic experience, and Alessandro and Daniel gave outstanding presentations there. Of course, we shouldn’t overlook the fact that 7code has been approved as a Pangea seller! ✅A significant change for us was moving into our own office with a beautiful view. Not to mention, we went to Las Vegas to attend the Mobile World Congress. This year was also constant joy.🥳 We made an effort nearly every month to do something exciting for the first time, and it was worth it since we now have wonderful memories. 😉

Just a few of the wonderful memories of this year😎

As a way to wrap things up, let me say that we learned a lot this year, we have a wonderful team, and we have grown and developed in every manner imaginable, but it’s only the beginning. We are eager to see what the upcoming year has for us, and we are more than prepared.🙏

