Low Code/No Code vs Custom Development: Making the Right Choice for Your Product

Cindy-Cristina Daraban
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2023

In recent years, the rise of low-code/no-code platforms has democratized the software development process, allowing non-developers to craft applications to suit their needs. While the ease and speed of such platforms are undeniable, when considering the development of a serious business product, custom development often stands out as the more beneficial choice. In this article, we explore why.

1. Flexibility and Customization:

Low Code/No Code: These platforms are essentially drag-and-drop environments with predetermined components. They are designed to address the most common use cases, and while they offer customization to an extent, there’s a limit to how much you can modify.

Custom Development: Custom code allows for unlimited customization. If a business has a unique process or a feature requirement that’s out of the ordinary, custom development can accommodate it. Over time, as the business evolves, the software can be adjusted accordingly.

2. Scalability:

Low Code/No Code: As your business grows and your user base expands, you might outgrow the capabilities of a low code/no code platform. Their architecture might not be suited to handle a large number of concurrent users or vast amounts of data.

Custom Development: A custom-built solution can be architected from the outset to handle growth. Whether you’re planning for more users, more data, or both, custom solutions can be scaled up efficiently.

3. Performance:

Low Code/No Code: Since these platforms cater to a broad range of needs, they might not be optimized for specific tasks. This could lead to performance bottlenecks.

Custom Development: Custom code is built for a specific purpose. Developers can optimize the software to ensure it runs efficiently and meets the performance benchmarks required by the business.

4. Long-term Costs:

Low Code/No Code: While initially cheap and fast, there may be hidden costs in the long run. If you need to switch platforms or migrate to a custom solution later on, the transition can be costly and time-consuming.

Custom Development: While there’s a higher upfront cost, you have control over the infrastructure, hosting, and maintenance. Over time, this can lead to cost savings, especially if you avoid the potential pitfalls of platform migrations.

5. Ownership and Dependency:

Low Code/No Code: You’re dependent on the platform provider. If they increase their prices, change their terms of service, or shut down, it could jeopardize your application.

Custom Development: You own the code. There’s no reliance on third-party platforms, which means you have full control over your software’s destiny.

6. Integration and Ecosystem:

Low Code/No Code: Integration with other tools and services might be limited to what the platform offers.

Custom Development: Developers can create custom integrations with any tool or service, ensuring seamless operation within your business’s ecosystem.


While low-code/no-code platforms serve a vital role in rapid prototyping and for businesses with standard needs, custom development shines when you’re looking for flexibility, performance, and long-term viability. As with any business decision, it’s crucial to weigh the pros and cons based on your company’s specific requirements. But for those looking to invest in the future of their digital presence, custom code often provides the depth and breadth required to thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

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