Why MVP First? Understanding the Advantages of a Minimum Viable Product Approach

Cindy-Cristina Daraban
Published in
3 min readDec 11, 2023

In the intricate world of software development, one concept has been steadily gaining traction, promising greater efficiency and a more streamlined approach to product creation: the Minimum Viable Product, or MVP. At its core, an MVP is a version of a new product that allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least amount of effort. Here’s why it’s a sensible choice for businesses embarking on a new software project:

1. Cost-Efficient and Reduced Risk

Starting with an MVP reduces the initial investment needed to get a product to market. Instead of building a product with all the bells and whistles, the MVP approach focuses on core features that are essential for the product’s primary function. This not only ensures that you’re spending money wisely but also minimizes the risk associated with launching products that might not resonate with users.

2. Faster Time to Market

The goal of an MVP is to release a usable product quickly. By focusing on the essential features, developers can accelerate the product’s time to market, allowing businesses to start seeing returns sooner and adapt their strategy based on actual user feedback.

3. Flexibility and Adaptability

An MVP is inherently more adaptable to change. Because you haven’t invested enormous amounts of time and resources into adding every possible feature, it’s easier to pivot or modify the product based on user feedback or changing market conditions.

4. Validated Learning

One of the most significant advantages of an MVP is the opportunity it provides for validated learning. By introducing the product to real users early in the process, companies can gather critical data on what works and what doesn’t. This data-driven approach ensures that subsequent development phases are based on real-world insights rather than assumptions.

5. Building a User-Centric Product

An MVP prioritizes user feedback. With phased development, after the MVP release, the subsequent features and improvements are often based on what the users genuinely want and need, leading to a more user-centric product.

6. Conserves Resources

MVP development focuses on the essentials, ensuring that teams are not spread thin working on numerous features simultaneously. This conservation of resources, both in terms of manpower and capital, is crucial for startups and established businesses alike.

7. Creates a Feedback Loop

Releasing an MVP establishes an early feedback loop with users, which is invaluable for continuous improvement. This feedback loop can guide not only product features but also marketing strategies, pricing models, and more.

8. Attracts Early Adopters and Investors

An MVP can draw the attention of early adopters who are keen on trying out the newest solutions in the market. Their feedback can be gold. Additionally, showcasing a working MVP can attract potential investors. Instead of presenting an idea, you’re presenting a working model, which can be a game-changer in funding discussions.

9. Focuses on Core Value Proposition

With the MVP approach, businesses are forced to zero in on the core value proposition of their product. This concentration ensures that the product’s main objective and its primary function for the user remain at the forefront throughout the development process.

10. Sets the Stage for Phased Development

Post MVP, businesses can adopt a phased development approach. This means rolling out additional features in stages, allowing the product to grow organically with user needs and feedback, ensuring each phase is meaningful and adds genuine value.

In conclusion, the MVP approach offers a smarter, more efficient way to develop software products. It aligns development with actual user needs, conserves resources, and offers a clear roadmap for future growth. Any business aiming for success in the competitive software market would do well to consider starting with an MVP and then transitioning to phased development.

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