How to make money in Lagos.

Smart Emovon
Published in
5 min readMay 22, 2018
Photo by Orighomisan Ogbebor

I see you are excited to read this article already, that’s my city up there, credits to Orighomisan Ogbebor for that nice shot! If you’re reading this post and you live outside Lagos, I bet you’ll be tempted to join the members of Lasgidi Hustlers.

Lagos, Largest city in Africa with over 21 million people in Its dwelling and it’s always busy, even at 11 to 12 Midnight at popular places like Oshodi, Ikeja, Lekki amongst others you still get to see workers on their way back from work. This is because of traffic without a cause, shocked? Well, don’t pray to experience one. Let me try to illustrate one like Ushbebe did here.

After been stuck in traffic for over 3 hours, for the Laughs, we call it “Go Slow” you literally go slooooow; you get to the point of release and you see no accident, nothing to link the Traffic that has delayed you thus far. *SMH*. Èkó ò ní bàjé oh… Let’s go to the money part, sure you are excited now.

PS: I might not have studied all kinds of trades and businesses, just in case I don’t mention a point related to your field. Feel free to add more content to this post in the comment section, Lagos is too big for one man. Thanks in addy.

First things first, you cannot make money without selling something. That brings us to the first point; SELL SOMETHING.This could be a product or a service, and your choice for sale should be selected carefully. Personally, I don’t have the courage to go into perishable goods so I don’t die worried when they begin to get spoilt or rotten. Don’t sell because your friend or neighbour sells, I recommend you have a calling in what you want to sell, Interest matters a lot because when the profit grows wings for a while, it’s interest and determination that keeps you going.

Next, you have to BE CONFIDENT. Confident enough for the buyer to believe in what you sell. There are these set of guys that sell in big buses not really the ‘Molue’ these days, I fear them a lot and usually avoid entering those kind of vehicles. Why? Their Convincing power is such that if you a had calculated your transport fare back home, you will immediately save at the spot to Buy what they are selling.

If you are new in Lagos, and people around you notice, the Good ones will tell you “shine your eyes”. One reason you have to take a pill of Confidence as you enter Lagos is that the Bus conductors are very confident to tell you they don’t have change. “Mo ti sò kê to wóle, pe emi o ni changi “ (I told you before you entered, that I don’t have change). The Confident Lagosian will, in turn, respond immediately, “Let me come down oh, you told me to enter” or “Don’t let me forget my change oh”,but if you’re not you will probably just let go to avoid embarrassment or a fight. (Tip: Just make sure you disturb him, worst he can do is pair you with someone at the bus stop … Very frustrating) .

Okay, I can gist about my city any day, let’s move on; you need to DELIVER ASAP! My Fellow service rendering guys will hear this a lot “How soon can we get it?”. I get sick of this question and sometimes you will just have to dodge calls to finish up work not done, the more you pick up their calls, the more promises you keep making on the phone. Recently, I’m stopping that attitude and tell them as it is, you don’t fix a problem by running from it, you fix them when you face it. So I’ll pick up and greet like nothing related to work is going on, Confidence; then confess.

If you ever noticed in traffic, the guys that would make good sales on whatever they sell, are the ones that deliver and give accurate change within the twinkle of an eye. I had to drop the soft drink I bought while I was on the bus so the hawker could pick it back up, why? He was too slow to get my change across before the Bus moved. Interestingly, if you have your goods or services you sell, and you are confident enough to convince, and you can deliver ASAP, you should make more money.

Let’s go into the Smarter ways, UNDERSTAND PRICES. There are some set of people that make their cost price from one product alone. How? Gauge the client with their approach, this is common with the Boutique and most especially Tech world; our very own Computer Village. I hope to do a movie about that location, Damn! I don’t know if they have a tutorial centre where they learn from. I got a couple of same stuff and I realised I was served the way I approached them.

Price for services Fluctuate for the service-based sellers, when we knew this, we had to create categories for the services we offer @crebulbs.To know the prices for your industry, I’ll advise you work with a related firm not as a staff this time, there’s a limit to the kind of information you’ll be getting at this level. So, you have to be in the Meetings kind of level so you can hear the Quotations, Pricing and profits, more so the process for executions thereby adding more value to yourself and branding you are building.

More on smarter ways is investing in PROPOSING PROJECTS.This part is where you meet more service-based hustlers are focusing on. You get to see crazy collaborations, just to get projects assigned for execution. Only the ‘Confident ones’ take this risk knowing full well that if the project clicks, we smile to the bank. From experiences, the chances here are very slim, but you get to increase experiences, explore opportunities and become a better service provider. *Contact me Collaborations, I’d be glad if I’m available*

And Finally on my list is PACKAGING.You don’t want to do everything I have mentioned and have something not worthy of looking. From Event flyers to Product designs, Dressing, Outspokenness, smile, Branding to your Presentation are essential to attracting the right paying customers to you. It’s going to be expensive, but you will see positive results. Unlike the poster I saw in my early days of design, I had to spit out, I mean it was just so bad. Like lagosians will say “Pakaging lo sure jù” (It’s packaging that is the surest)

So whether you are on the Mainland or the High land (Island) like my Mum calls it, I strongly believe these tips help. The Office guys might be jealous, but just chill, I’ll try and explore that aspect or challange someone to write that version.

Kindly highlight and comment also, it helps keep our writing fire. Cheers.



Smart Emovon

LED Bulb @ Crebulbs, Host & Curator of #7DaysWritingQuest My Medium: My Experiences, Discoveries & Inspirations || Follow up #ATipfulEveryday