Lay Down Rules

Smart Emovon
Published in
2 min readJun 30, 2021

For you are not under the law but under grace…

Well, that’s not what this is about. This is about Rules to save you from shouting whenever an error arises. Imagine a football match or a sport without rules…It would be extremely rough and because of the rules people feel safe to participate.

Can you remember past cycles you could have avoided because the Rules were not clearly defined? The arguments that could have been thrown amidst the sea because everyone understood the rules?

This is for you, members of your group and anyone that comes across your life, to make reference to when you’re not around. This is to save you the stress of repeating one issue over and over. This will help you make and take a decision and not sound biased, because there was a rule. You can easily shut anyone out because of the Rules, and resound it, “I gave You the Rules”.

Where there’s no law, there’s no crime.
Where there are no Rules, there’s no Fault, there’s no error.

Lay it down. Lay it beside the vision. Let everyone decide if they can or cannot continue. You can apply this to your life, check for for the Rules. Joining a Group? Having a serious relationship? Creating a new Group? Have your Rules and Ask for theirs.

Save yourself.



Smart Emovon

LED Bulb @ Crebulbs, Host & Curator of #7DaysWritingQuest My Medium: My Experiences, Discoveries & Inspirations || Follow up #ATipfulEveryday