Paths and Trails

An International Writing Prompt

Smart Emovon
2 min readJul 1, 2021


In the Beginning,
“Take this path and not that!
He’s a Psychopath!”
‘They’ pointed out His Trails.
This was the big question asked…
How do you intend to feed your family from that?

That’s was the path ‘they’ followed
You dare not express your opinion
As long as ‘they’ were talking.
Responding is like witchcraft with a tail
And Whipping endures for the night,
Served with hunger to cast it out.
What sort of trail…

Without civilisation,
Would that trail continue?
Would freedom of speech just be paperwork?
I don’t think so, and here’s why.
Some new age parenting still do that
But what bothers me, “will I take that path?”

I’m in the middle,
Adulthood. I’m fixing the riddle
Hang in there, (words in my head).
Choose to be different.
After all, ‘they’ said..
There many ways to the market.
So I’ve decided to take another route
When I’ll be called a parent.

I’ll pay attention to their dreams,
I’ll let them explore, and definitely support.
Their questioning, is for clarity.
I know this because I’ve been there.
If ‘they’ took that path and it failed
I’ll take this path, and leave a trail.

In the End? This is the uttermost.
What paths and trails did you leave?
Some paths are seen but not followed.
Some Trails fades with sands of time.
Good news is, if it’s worth it
It won’t be forced.
History will remember either ways,
Good or bad.



Smart Emovon

LED Bulb @ Crebulbs, Host & Curator of #7DaysWritingQuest My Medium: My Experiences, Discoveries & Inspirations || Follow up #ATipfulEveryday